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Poultry and Swine

Meat production in Brazil continues to guarantee supply

Slaughterhouses are maintaining production but adopting the possible precautions to protect their employees

Meat production in Brazil continues to guarantee supply

The poultry and pork production sector cannot stop due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19). This is the conclusion of employers, agro-industries, cooperatives and industry experts. The slaughterhouses are maintaining production, while taking all possible precautions to protect their employees. In a note, the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) informs that the poultry, eggs and swine sectors in Brazil are committed to maintaining the flow of food supply to the Brazilian population, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis.

The position is the same in the state of Santa Catarina, the largest pork producer in the country. The president of the Catarinense Poultry Association (ACAV) and director of the Union of Meat and Derivatives Industries in the State of Santa Catarina (Sindicarne), José Antônio Ribas Júnior, ensures that all agro-industries are working to supply the population at the same time. who take all measures to protect their workers.

“Food production does not stop. We are in our mission to produce, from the employees of the agro-industries, through the rural producers, all service providers, such as drivers, we are giving our contribution. For this, all precautions are being taken so that our employees feel safe to produce. Rest assured, because there was no shortage of food on the table of Santa Catarina and Brazilians ”, he said, in a video published on YouTube.

The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Tereza Cristina, also points out that the Brazilian agribusiness needs to continue producing to guarantee food security in the country and the world. “The farm is producing to ensure more healthy food for all of us every day. I thank all the workers in our production chain. You are proud of Brazil, ”he said on his social networks. The minister also published a series of photos of employees of agro-industries and cooperatives at work.

According to her, the Ministry of Agriculture is attentive to the safety of agricultural workers. “I have been talking to the sector, which is following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health to combat the coronavirus pandemic and taking the necessary measures to ensure the health of all employees”.


One of the main specialists and consultants in the chicken meat processing sector, chemical engineer Fábio Nunes points out that wanting to stop the meat industry “in this difficult time when not all the actions suggested by different sectors of society have the good of Brazil as priority, it will be a decision of the purest irresponsibility, due to the serious, wide and lasting consequences that it will bring to the country, its population and the sector ”.

“The meat industry is one of Brazil’s economic strengths. It produces and takes to the tables of Brazilians, and consumers in 160 countries around the world, meat of the best quality, nutritious and essential to the diet and health of the millions of consumers it reaches ”, he points out.

Also according to Fábio Nunes, an interruption of work would impact not only jobs, but the revenue collection of the public administration itself. “With her work, she generates millions of direct and indirect jobs, moves and feeds an immense chain of inputs, generates taxes in all spheres of public administration, and generates, annually, a very significant volume of strong currencies with her exports. ”, He concludes.


The activities of agro-industries and cooperatives continue throughout this period, but with care and extra attention. This is the case of C Vale, in Palotina, Paraná, which claims to be making its contribution to the control of the disease. In a note, the cooperative points out that it believes it is necessary to maintain essential activities, such as food production. “Ensuring the operation of chicken and fish refrigerators means guaranteeing the supply of supermarkets and, consequently, allowing consumers to have access to these products”, he highlights.

The cooperative adds that it has adopted preventive measures in its production units. One of them is the temperature check, with a digital infrared thermometer, and other signs that may be related to the coronavirus when employees arrive at the slaughterhouses, with the consequent absence in suspected cases.

The activities at Lar Cooperativa, in Medianeira, also in Paraná, follow the determinations of the government. According to the president, Irineo da Costa Rodrigues, services that are not essential have been closed, such as the cooperative’s agricultural stores.

“Many people, as they are older or have a pre-existing disease problem, are exempt from work”, he says. According to him, the cooperative is focused on what is strictly necessary. “In livestock, animals need to be fed. Animals that are ready need to be slaughtered. Ready production, such as eggs and milk, needs to be collected. And if we cannot collect the raw material and process it, we will not have a product to supply the markets in general ”, he adds.

At JBS, poultry and pork activities also continued. However, two of the agroindustry’s manufacturing units have experienced mishaps in the past few days. Last Saturday, after a court decision, services were interrupted. The company, however, obtained an injunction from the Santa Catarina Court of Justice to resume production.