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Caravans prepare for AveSui EuroTier South America

Groups of countries in Latin America and throughout Brazil already confirm their presence at the largest animal protein trade show

Caravans prepare for AveSui EuroTier South America

A stage for the presentation of innovations and debates on topics of relevance to the animal protein sectors, AveSui EuroTier South America receives in its three days of fair caravans of visitors from Brazil and around the world.

Among the groups of visitors who have already confirmed the presence of producers, technicians and entrepreneurs from Latin American countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and throughout Brazil, who are looking for new business opportunities and new technologies to improve productivity and quality of animal production.

Focused on a qualified public, AveSui EuroTier South America offers an opportunity for representatives of various sectors to meet and, in just three days, to make business contacts and access the main trends and research for the development of animal production in Brazil.

Annually, producers from Brazil and other countries gather in groups destined to AveSui, in search of the business opportunities and partnerships that the fair offers, since the fair has as its strong point the great international presence, not only of exhibitors, but also of buyers.

Visitation to the fair is free and registration can be done through the event website. Groups interested in visiting the fair should contact by e-mail [email protected]

Technical Programming

In addition to the business fair, the event also hosts two technical events that bring together researchers and companies that highlight their work in the development and growth of swine breeding and poultry farming in the world.

The XVIII Technical Seminar on Poultry and Pigs will be held on July 23rd, 24th and 25th, where technical lectures related to nutrition, health, animal welfare, biosecurity, the market, feed mill and other topics will be promoted. whole productive sector of animal protein.

Already on the 23rd, the use of technologies in the development of animal protein production will be the focus of the IV Congress of Precision Animal Science, which will discuss, with the participation of renowned speakers, the new technological tools for monitoring and optimizing animal production.

Discount registrations for the technical program are up to the 30th of august and can be done by clicking here.