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AveSui Eurotier hosts IV Precision Livestock Farming Congress

Event will bring together six speakers to present and discuss concepts and advantages of digital transformation in livestock

AveSui Eurotier hosts IV Precision Livestock Farming Congress

AveSui EuroTier South America 2019 will be the venue for the IV Precision Livestock Farming Congress, which will be held to discuss, with the participation of renowned speakers, the new technological tools for monitoring and optimizing animal production.

According to Profa. Fabiana Ribeiro Caldara, Federal University of Grande Dourados and coordinator of the Congress, the program was carefully designed to meet the needs of producers, companies and researchers on the subject.

“In a nutshell, we are going to discuss the new or existing technology tools for monitoring herds, to optimize resources, improve productivity, health and animal welfare”,she summarizes.

For Fabiana the subject of precision animal husbandry covers different applications for the poultry, pork, beef cattle and milk sectors, as well as for performance optimization in fish farming.

“The event will address proposals to promote digital transformation in livestock, as well as topics related to the use of computer vision to identify thermal and behavioral patterns of production animals and the potential of using infrared thermography in predicting energy requirements of birds and pigs” , explains Fabiana.

The Congress will feature at least six renowned speakers who will address in depth the open possibilities with technical advances in software and equipment for improvements in production management and control.

“The most efficient management is one of the great challenges of the producer. The application of technologies seeks to reduce losses in the production process, in addition to promoting animal welfare, a sine qua non for the development and sustainability of Brazilian livestock”, she adds.

The researcher adds that automation allows producers to monitor their enterprises in a practical way, enabling quick decision making and precise control of the use of the resources involved. “In this way, production avoids unnecessary losses, translating the advances in improvement of zootechnical indexes and, consequently, of economic results”, she concludes.

Among the technical-scientific content, AveSui Eurotier will also have panels on Biosafety, Meat Processing, Plant Breeding, Protein Market Development and Sustainability, Poultry and Pork Insemination, Biomass & Bioenergy, Welfare in Egg Production and Fish farming, as well as the Farming Digital Space.

The event takes place in Medianeira (PR), 30 minutes from Foz do Iguaçu, between July 23 and 25, and brings together the expertise of the main segment trade show in Brazil – AveSui – and the largest meeting of the planet in innovation for the sector – EuroTier, which is organized every two years by DLG (German Agricultural Society) in Hanover, Germany.