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AveSui 2018

Bühler confirms participation in AveSui 2018

Participation in the fair is part of the strategy of the Swiss multinational to present to the Brazilian market its product line

Bühler confirms participation in AveSui 2018

ExpositoresWith more than 150 years of history, Bühler group has nine factories worldwide dedicated to the manufacture of equipment for the production of animal feed. In addition to these, in April this year, Buhler will open another factory in China. It will be the largest and most modern plant in the company’s history, with 250,000 m², exclusively focused on serving the animal nutrition market and will also have its own research and development center. “This strong supply chain enables us to offer more competitive solutions to the Brazilian market, maintaining the high quality standard of our brand,” says Mônica Pacheco, Bühler’s Marketing Director.

The company is constantly seeking differentiation and innovation, investing annually about 5% of its global revenue in research and development. “Today’s challenges are too complex to be tackled individually and, therefore, Bühler has partners for the development of new technologies. They are customers, suppliers, academics, students and start-ups – all working in search of innovative solutions focused on productive efficiency, sustainability and food safety. In this sense, the digitization and analytical tools are fundamental to guarantee the transparency of the productive process, a tendency that begins to be perceived by the final consumers, “comments Monica.

Combined with the global structure, Bühler has a unit in Brazil that is partially dedicated to the production of equipment for the feed mill, as well as a strong local service structure, which includes a team of experienced technicians, stock of spare parts, machines and training. Watch the institutional video HERE

The company sees good opportunities in the Brazilian animal feed market and bets on the new format and location of AveSui to strengthen the relationship with customers. “We want to take advantage of the fair to bring us closer to the region’s customers and promote positive discussions. We want to understand their challenges and identify the best way to work together “, concludes Monica.

Business Vocation

A pioneer in partnerships, joint ventures and new businesses, AveSui arrives at its 17th consolidated edition as a meeting point for the poultry and swine sector in Latin America, offering its visitors opportunities for direct contact with new companies, technologies and solutions for production around the world. In the modern event center, which occupies a total area of ??9,200 m², the exhibitor will have access to the structure of the Internal and External Area for Exhibition, Space Grill and Entertainment, as well as the New Poultry and Swine Model Farm – bigger and more modern.