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AveSui 2018

Solutions for the control of Salmonella in Brazil

The bacterium is not a Brazilian exclusivity and all links in the production chain have invested in preventive measures

Solutions for the control of Salmonella in Brazil

Eduardo Muniz, a veterinarian from ZoetisCurrently there is no issue that is more relevant in the poultry sector than the control of Salmonella. Producers, researchers, technicians and companies are moving relentlessly to find solutions that control the bacteria in the plants and do not hinder the lives of the producer and, above all, the quality of the animal protein that Brazil produces. To open a space for broad debate about the problem, the XVII Scientific-Technical Seminar on Poultry, Swine and Fish will gather companies, researchers, technicians and professionals, on August 2 during AveSui 2018 in Medianeira (PR) to expand the search for solutions to Salmonella.

Eduardo Muniz, a veterinarian, says that in the year 2017 there was a significant increase in the rapid alert of Europe, which included events of contamination by Salmonella in exported Brazilian meat. “Salmonella is not an exclusivity of Brazilian poultry and all poultry production worldwide has invested to carry out the control in order to maintain the lowest levels possible through a set of preventive measures called biosecurity,” he explains.

Muniz, act as Zoetis Technical Services Manager, clarifies that the increase in notifications was a result of greater vigilance, but in any case shows the difficulty of controlling this agent and how relevant the issue is for Brazil. “A novelty in this area is that Brazilian legislation recently allowed the vaccination of the breeding herders with live attenuated vaccines, which helps in the control. In addition, it is also possible to vaccinate the chicks, as this will reduce contamination in internal organs due to horizontal transmission. “

Search for control alternatives

The positioning and participation of Animal Health companies helping to disseminate the search for solutions for production is essential for the entire production chain. It is these companies that have the expertise to develop and offer the market safe solutions that mitigate the problem. “Collaborating with these events is helping to write the history of Brazilian poultry farming. Therefore, we believe that these technical events are of great importance for the discussion and exchange of experience with the poultry sector, “says Eduardo Muniz.

“The ‘Salmonella’ theme is higher than ever and the poultry farmer can see how important it is to worry about the farm’s sanity. Therefore, Zoetis expects this panel to be great, we believe that this exchange of experience will be important for the guests, “he adds. With the new law in Brazil that allows live attenuated vaccination, as it already occurs in other markets, as in the United States that has been used for decades, the possibility of vaccinating the breeding herd is a new fact and helps to reduce the contamination vertical. “This will be another tool for the poultry farmer to use against the problem,” concluded the technician.

XVII Technical and Scientific Seminar on Poultry, Swine and Fish

Oswaldo Gessulli Institute (IOG) will be had XVII Scientific and Technical Seminar of Poultry, Swine and Fish and the III Livestock Precision Farming Congress on August 1, 2 and 3, 2018, with the aim of disseminating new knowledge, cutting-edge research and advances in the use of new technologies. This year, seven panels will be presented at the seminar to address the most current issues in the productive sector. Animal Health companies that want to collaborate with the dissemination of solutions and discussions on the control of the bacteria in the Brazilian and worldwide plants can participate in the Salmonella Panel during the XVII Technical Seminar on Poultry, Swine and Fish, on August 2nd during AveSui 2018, in Medianeira (PR), at the LAR Event Center. Access the website and see the programming

AveSui 2018

Date: August 01, 02 and 03 2018
Location: Lar Event Center
Av 24 de Outubro, on the banks of BR 277, km 669
Information: +55 (11) 4013-1277
E-mail: [email protected]