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Parana seeks closer ties with Russia

Russian delegation would meet with the Parana Development Agency and the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Food Supply

Parana seeks closer ties with Russia

The Parana governor, Cida Borghetti, aims to strengthen trade relations with Russia, which is one of the largest importers of chicken meat produced in the state. This week she was with Russia’s Consul General in São Paulo, Yury Lezgintsev. The Russian delegation would also meet with the Parana Development Agency and the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Food Supply to continue the future project discussion.

Cida Borghett said during the meeting that she was in Russia in 2016 to discuss negotiations with Rosatom, a nuclear power company that wants to set up irradiation centers for processing medical equipment and agricultural products in the state. “It was an important time to sign technology-change agreements,” she said.

According to the honorary of Russia consul in Curitiba, Acef Said, Parana is a great partner and this tends to improve. According to him, the state exports about $ 350 million dollars a year to the country and imports $ 250 million. “Parana is a thriving state and I’m sure we can explore other markets and possibilities,” he said.