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Reference in Technology guarantee participation in the "Court of Knowledge" of FIPPPA 2015

Foss will be responsible for developing analytical solutions dedicated to the greatest challenges every step for the production process of milk, meat, grain, etc.

Foss, analytical technology company with over 50 years of experience in the food and agricultural industries, has guaranteed its participation in the International Trade Fair for the Production and Processing of Animal Protein (FIPPPA) 2015.  It will present analytical solutions dedicated to the greatest challenges every stage of the production of milk, meat, grains and oils, animal feed, ethanol, and other process where there is a possibility of gain, be it economic or efficiency.

In addition to the booth for demonstrations of the greatest technological advances and contact with customers, the company is with scheduled times to participate in the “Court of Knowledge” area of ??seminars, courses and workshops already known in TECNO FOOD BRAZIL.

See below the dates and topics of each lecture:

Detection of adulterants in milk in 30 seconds – How to protect dairy and consumers

Speaker: Ricardo Belló, food engineer and manager of FOSS industrial technology

Date: April 28, 2015

Hour: 14h – 15h 

Optimization process in the meat industry – A presentation of the power of analytical technology for industry competitiveness

Speaker: Cristiano Moresco, food engineer and manager of FOSS industrial technology

Date: April 29, 2015

Hour: 14h – 15h

Decreased feed conversion through the use of NIR technology online

Speaker: Ronei Gauer, agronomist and manager of FOSS industrial technology

Date: April 30, 2015

Hour: 14h – 15h

Come to Fipppa 2015 and participate in the Court of Knowledge!