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AveSui brings equipment, technologies and research for fish farming

One of the novelties of AveSui 2018 is opening up space for fish farming, a growing market in Brazil, with special emphasis on Paraná's production

AveSui brings equipment, technologies and research for fish farming

Fish farming has already become one of the main economic activities in some regions and, in the next decade, should be a more common reality. Only in 2017, Brazilian fish farming grew 8%, reaching 691.7 thousand tons. Recognizing its importance for the national agriculture, AveSui 2018 opens space to fish farming presenting innovations and technologies to add in this sector even more quality.

During the fair days, from August 1 to 03, the XVII Technical Scientific Seminar will be held for researchers, academics, professionals, technicians to disseminate the main research on the development and innovation of the sector in the Panel of Fish Farming, held on 02 August.

Going to Paraná, the largest producer of fish in Brazil, AveSui will add this sector to the fair with the objective of presenting the Brazilian and foreign technologies used in the fish farming and increase the market share in new businesses.

Multiple productions

According to Márcio Lopes, president of the Organization Brazilian Cooperatives, the production of fish has been an option of income for many cooperatives. “Several cooperatives are pioneers in the production of fish, and new ones are emerging creating and developing this area. The production is made in areas that normally were not used. A producer with fish tank can form an extra income, is very interesting for the cooperative producer also for being an activity that does not escape the profile of his culture, “he explains.

AveSui will provide the poultry, egg and swine producer who is also investing in fish production the opportunity to find in a single space companies that offer solutions in equipment, nutrition, handling and animal health necessary to foment their business in the pisciculture.

Technical knowledge

It is foolish to think that fish farming is simple. “It is not a simple activity, it is very technical, it needs technology, investment in knowledge and that’s why cooperatives end up adjusting this better since they have greater proximity to the producer, who can get technical assistance, based to be able to leverage this chain, “says Márcio Lopes.

Therefore, the opportunity to update on research, development, new technologies and alternatives to apply to the field is essential to broaden the knowledge of the fish producer. Thus, the XVII Scientific Seminar on Poultry, Swine and Fish will open a panel with the great researchers of this culture to discuss what is most current in research on fish production in Brazil and in the world. The Fisheries Panel, which will take place on the 2nd of now, will bring together companies, technicians, professionals and academics under the coordination of the veterinary doctor and Aquaculture Master, Gelson Hein, regional coordinator of the fish farming and fishing chain of the Paraná Institute of Fisheries. Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (EMATER).

Fish Factory

Luiz Roberto Pelosi de Oliveira, technical director of the company Recolast, specializes in products for fish production, emphasizes that fish farming is an activity complementary to any other existing on the property, “you can produce grains, raise chicken, swine will eventually generate income and occupy the idleness of property. ” Preparing for the present of the Modular Fish Plant during AveSui 2018, Oliveira explains that the project allows the producer to purchase its fractional fish factory that offers the possibility of making upgrades to increase production and biosafety. “Fish-farming, Paraná and Cooperatives are an explosive mixture, we will only have a lot of growth. Tilapia will be the chicken of this decade, “he concludes.