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AveSui EuroTier brings technology to a new era in the Brazilian dairy industry

Productivity is the ever-increasing benchmark of the Brazilian milk industry, which shows enormous potential as future exporter

AveSui EuroTier brings technology to a new era in the Brazilian dairy industry

Brazilian dairy farming is experiencing a technical revolution in which only the most effective producers will remain in activity. Every eleven minutes, one of around 900,000 domestic producers ceases production as a result of low levels of productivity.

It may seem shocking, but the data is encouraging, since it also signals the professionalization of the segment. This process will lead to higher levels of industrialization and, consequently, better quality and competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

Currently, the national herd has about 20 million head (second largest in the world) and produces 36 million liters annually (third largest in the world). That means less than 2,000 liters per cow per year while in the US and New Zealand the average is 10,000 per cow per year.

Brazil is a dairy power, but the sector as a whole is still far from the international relevance already realized in beef, poultry, grains and even pig farming. Therefore, the country still oscillates between being a small exporter and occasional importer of milk and milk products depending on the year.

Thus, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) began to stimulate a ‘selection’ of the most efficient and quality producers. Last year, three new Normative Instructions were published, raising the level of requirements to take effect in May 2019.

The new requirements will motivate more investments in equipment and machinery and, therefore, the current Minister Tereza Cristina waved the possibility of credits for the sector. “We’re going to protect the industry but that will not happen forever,” she said in an interview.

AveSui EuroTier is an opportunity to access the best advancements in equipment, nutrition, health, genetics and content for the Brazilian dairy sector, whose most efficient production is concentrated in the South of the Country and Minas Gerais.

Exhibitors of global notoriety have already confirmed their presence. Among them, the Italian FDA SRL and Medinova, as well as the French ID Group and large national and multinational companies with representation in Brazil and Latin America.

FDA SRL offers equipment for dairy production, such as batchers, water pumps, cleaners, milking machines and others. Medinova has product lines for artificial insemination and sterilization procedures and even for milking. ID Group France provides flooring and coatings for livestock stables.