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Digital Farming Space brings together animal production startups

AgTechs solutions for livestock to have special location within AveSui EuroTier South America 2019

Digital Farming Space brings together animal production startups

The silent revolution of ‘Agriculture 4.0’ will be featured at AveSui EuroTier South America 2019. Digital Farming Space, one of the most anticipated attractions of the event, is already in open registration for startups and companies with innovative solutions for livestock.

The market for poultry, swine, fish, and dairy farms will be able to learn more about what AgTechs have to offer in terms of cost reduction, efficiency gains, raising animal welfare and many other topics.

The event, which takes place in Medianeira (PR), between 23 and 25, July , brings together experts from the main segment trade show in Brazil, AveSui , and the largest meeting of the planet in innovation, EuroTier, organized every two years by DLG (German Agricultural Society).

“Do not be in any doubt that starups are ready to provide a great service to the livestock sector. I see gains in efficiency and productivity in general, from genetics, food conversion, wellness food service , and even energy sources. The ecosystem of innovation advances in all areas.” points out George Hiraiwa, former Secretary of Agriculture of Paraná and facilitator of the Digital Farming Space.

For him, we live a new level of technology in humanity, which impacts from the way we take a cab or make a purchase, even the way we produce, manage and market every type of production in the field.

According to studies by the Insights League in April this year, Brazil has more than 300 AgTechs today, that is, startups focused on the agricultural sector. In total, there are 18 categories of products and services from Biotechnology and Bioenergy, Sensors and IoT, Drones and Geoprocessing to E-commerce, Big Data, AI and others.

Paraná has one of the most active hubs of AgTechs in Brazil with its head office in Londrina and the participation of entrepreneurs from dozens of cities and different states. Some of these startups have already confirmed the presence of the Digital Farming Space.

“We will take startups in different terms, from those that are prototypes in the first place to the large consolidated companies with relevant impact in the market. It will be an unmissable opportunity to get to know and understand how they can revolutionize an activity, “adds George.

Another feature for the launch of the Digital Farming Space at AveSui EuroTier South America 2019 will be the IV Congress of Precision Animal Science that will bring important themes and discussions related to the theme Digital Farming! See the complete schedule at