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Highlight in the Brazilian Poultry and Swine Industry, Paraná in the south region of Brazil, welcomes FIPPPA 2015 with the main institutional support associations

Paraná, the third State on the national ranking of agro exportation on 2014, also maintains a good record with regard to the production and exports of poultry sector.

Bandeiras dos Estados do Brasil
Bandeiras dos Estados do Brasil

Paraná, the third State on the national ranking of agro exportation on 2014, also maintains a good record with regard to the production and exports of poultry sector.

Only on the last year, exported U$ 2,186 billion of poultry meat, an increase of 6,9% in relation with the 2012 records, according to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). The slaughter in the region in 2013 totaled 1.46 billion heads of poultry. Numbers that put the poultry industry from Paraná on the top among the Brazilian States involved at this chain. In 2014, the scene remains and Paraná follows first in exports. From January to July this year the State sold U$ 1,4 billion more than the same period of 2013, MDIC informs. In terms of volume Paraná exports at the first semester 7007,77 million of ton, versus 634,86 million on 2013. The results proves: Poultry meat leads business and put Paraná on top of Brazilian agribusiness, with companies all over its territory.

In pig production, the timing is also positive. According to IBGE, the state has the third largest flock, after Rio Grande do Sul, the second, and Santa Catarina, leader. The same ranking is noted in the pork production and export, according to IBGE. Only in 2013, 36.061.516 heads were slaughtered in Brazil, and Paraná was responsible by 19,2% or 6.911.202 from this number. The State produced 613.242.862 kg of pork, that represents 19,7% from the Brazilian total production. The piglet production is estimated at 4.5 million heads representing 14.1% of Brazilian production. The exports overcome 23 million ton of pork, making more than U$ 110 million.

With so expressive numbers, Paraná is the perfect place to a business event that involves not only the poultry and pig farming, but also the entire chain of animal protein: the International Trade Fair for Production and Processing of Animal Protein (FIPPPA). An inedited event, complete and horizontal that cover production to processing, from field to table.

FIPPPA, result of a merge of Avesui America Latina, organized by Gessulli Agribusiness and the TecnoFood Brazil, by the G5 Promotrade – will have its first edition in Curitiba, Paraná, from April 28-30, 2015 at the ExpoTrade Convention Center. The fair marks the combination of efforts of two companies that are highly regarded for the organization of large trade shows, so that visitors and exhibitors can multiply their business promoting in this way, the poultry, swine and dairy cattle. “We innovate to create an event different from everything that has been seen until now in the Brazilian market. With the new structure of FIPPPA, we will have the entire chain joined in a single complete event for both exhibitors and visitors,” emphasized the director of Gessulli Agribusiness, Andrea Gessulli. “The realization of FIPPPA on the top State of national poultry and one of the tops of swine and dairy cattle adds even more business opportunities for those involved with the Brazilian agribusiness”.

Rubens Zago, president of Tecno Food Brazil, complete: “We understand that Brazil is already a major producer and supplier of animal protein, and the tendency is to become increasingly important. Adding value to grain produced here is a natural way and the country will be increasingly a producer of food than a grain exporter. Therefore, we chose the state of Paraná for being the headquarters of FIPPPA, precisely Curitiba, the prime location, complete infrastructure and headquarters of major agribusinesses, thus forming a center of the entire chain of animal protein”

The inedited concept of FIPPPA already attracted more than 30 of the main companies engaged on the development of protein chain. Among them are the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment (Abimaq), Paranaense Poultry Association (Apavi), Syndicate of Poultry Products of Paraná (Sindiavipar), Paranaense Swine Association (APS), Brazilian Association of Swine Genetics (Abegs), National Association of Manufacturers of equipment for poultry and swine (Anfeas) and the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA).

“We will divulgate for all producers from Paraná. We know the importance of this event.” Said Claudio Casagrande, Apavi’s president. Francisco Turra ABPA’s president stressed that the entity has as a principle of unification links of the production chain for development of poultry and swine in Brazil. “With this aim, we support FIPPPA and all poultry and pig events, that are configured in good opportunities for integration of the sectors.”

“The biggest advantage is that the companies will have in one place all segments of the production chain of animal protein. They will be able to see in one place all the companies that plays on production chain of animal protein.” States Carlos Pulici, Anfeas’ president.

“We expected that born a really great and solid fair to keep the focus on these segments and the focus of biannually. The promoters are proposing to not only conduct a fair technological dissemination, but also learning, through the conferences that are performed. I need to congratulate the promoters for this decision and hope that the fair continues for many years.”, finalizes Judenor Marchioro, president of the Sectorial Chamber of Machines for the Food Industry, Pharmaceutical and Industrial Refrigeration (CSMIAFRI) da ABIMAQ.

Learn more about the event and all the opportunities offered: