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Live marketing actions will be news at AveSui 2018

The new quotas have as main objective creating greater relationship with the visitor, both in the internal area as in the external area

Live marketing actions will be news at AveSui 2018

Seeking to strengthen the contacts between companies and clients, as well as creating new business relations, AveSui 2018 opens space for new sponsorship modalities and live marketing actions. The actions goal is create greater relationship with the visitor.

Creating marketing activities, both internally and externally, new actions provide a lively dialogue between brands and people, causing a differentiated understanding of products, services and purposes. For many professionals, live marketing is considered to be of the primordial importance in today’s market as it develops a greater involvement by the people who participate and become involved with the project.

With quality communication, the use of live marketing tools can sell ideas, products and services through experience, emotion and information. Having this feature next to your company is key when it comes to closing deals and planning a sale.

More information about sponsorship quotas can be requested by the e-mail: [email protected].