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Parana cooperative sets record in sales of fish

Copacol doubled its tilapia slaughtering capacity in 2017 and has become a benchmark in the sector

Parana cooperative sets record in sales of fish

.Pioneer in fish farming integration system among the Brazilian Agribusiness Cooperatives in 2008, Copacol, doubled its tilapia slaughtering capacity in 2017 and has become a benchmark in the sector with the largest fish slaughter in Latin America , with the capacity to slaughter 140 thousand heads of tilapia per day.

The numbers speak for themselves and evidence the Cooperatives growth in the production and sale of fish.

In order to meet all production demand, in the first three months of this year, a period that coincided with Lent, the time of the year in which fish meat consumption is traditionally increasing, the sale of fish at Copacol registered a record sales volume of 66, 5% more than in the same period last year.

It is noteworthy that, in addition to the tilapia that is the flagship, is included all the products belonging to the group of fish, such as breaded fish, ready meals and sea line. All production is marketed domestically.

“This record is the result of all the work done together and with great excellence. To get to the consumer table, our products undergo several processes within the Cooperative that are carried out with quality and commitment by our employees. The result demonstrates our ability to overcome challenges and the satisfaction of our customers and consumers in acquiring our products and that motivates us to go even further, “says Commercial Superintendent Valdemir Paulino dos Santos.