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Seven out of ten rural producers prefer to upgrade in technical events, according to research

7th Habits of the Rural Producer Research of ABMRA brings data consolidating AveSui 2018 as a meeting point of the production chain for fair and technical-scientific seminar

Seven out of ten rural producers prefer to upgrade in technical events, according to research

AveSui2018According to the 7th Survey of Habits of the Rural Producer of the Brazilian Association of Rural Marketing and Agribusiness (ABMRA), no less than 92% of the farmers highlight fairs, exhibitions, field days and technical lectures to update on news for their rural properties. In the case of breeders (cattle, poultry, swine and milk producers), the percentage is 71%.

Over the years, the Latin American Poultry, Swine and Fisheries Fair, AveSui, has become a meeting point for academics, students, technicians and companies motivated by the constant search for information on research and development at the Technical Seminar of Poultry, Swine and Fish. In its 17th edition, the technical meeting this year will be divided into six panels, highly qualified to align the sector with the most current research and development, the XVII Scientific and Technical Seminar of Poultry, Swine and Fish will be held on the days August 01, 02 and 03, in Medianeira (Brazil).

The survey of the purchasing profile and media habits of farmers and animal producers considered 2,835 interviews in 15 Brazilian states. “If we want to speak directly to our target audience, farmers – both cattle and poultry and swine farmers – being in the events is a fast and effective path. But it takes strategy. It is not enough to be present. It is crucial to take new technologies, make practical demonstrations and show cost-effectiveness. Seven out of ten animal producers prefer to have access to new technologies in field actions, “explains Guilherme Vianna, Business Manager and Equipment Director at ABMRA.

These data show that rural producers take participation in technical events very seriously. “It’s not about walking. They are perfect places to exchange ideas, contact with new technologies, technical update, meeting with experts, moment of comparison of costs and equipment. Finally, in an agricultural event the producers receive a series of information useful for the success of their property. As shown by the survey of the Brazilian Association of Rural Marketing and Agribusiness, being there, alongside our target audience, is a strategy that works very well, “explains Guilherme Vianna, director of the entity.

Technical Programming

A traditional reference in disseminating knowledge for the sector, AveSui will be held on August 01, 02 and 03 the XVII Technical-Scientific Seminar of Poultry, Pork and Fish built through research with great academic names of the sector and relate to the current challenges of the productive chain. On the first day, August 1, the Technical – Scientific meeting opens space for the Meat Processing Panel and the Intestinal Health Panel. The seminar also adds the III Precision Livestock Congress, which also happens on the first day.

On the second day of the XVII Technical and Scientific Seminar of Poultry, Swine and Fish, August 2, the production of fish in Brazil is highlighted with the main updates of this sector that grows exponentially and will be discussed in the Fisheries Panel. On this same day, the Food Conversion Panel will present alternatives to improve production outcomes and achieve better nutrition throughputs. To follow up and discuss biosecurity challenges, the seminar will also feature the Salmonella Panel.

On August 03, the Panel Update and Training in Welfare in Egg Production presents trends and challenges to adapt production to meet an increasingly demanding market. In addition to the seminar, researchers and students will be able to send their scientific papers for Oswaldo Gessulli Institute awards.


AveSui 2018

Date: August 01, 02 and 3

Local: Lar – Event Center

Av 24 de Outubro, on the banks of BR 277, km 669

Information: + 55 (11) 4013-1277

E-mail: [email protected]
