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AveSui 2018

Closer to the production center, AveSui 2018 will take place in Paraná Brazil

AveSui  always follows the market developments and in 2018 will take place in Medianeira City Paraná State, Brazil, closer to the producers, closer to the cooperatives and agro industries in the  center of animal production  of Latin America.

Closer to the production  center, AveSui 2018 will take place in Paraná Brazil


With its 16 years of pioneers in making partnerships, technical seminars, launch and new business, AveSui has consolidated over the years as the meeting point of the poultry and swine sectors in Latin America, which goes where the producer is.

With broader and more aggregating format, AveSui Latin America 2018 will be held on August 1, 2 and 3 in the city of Medianeira, Paraná, gathering the whole production chain of poultry, swine, fish, bioenergy, animal recycling and precision Zootechnics in the same place.

With the changes of productive clusters and new horizons of agribusiness and the Brazilian cooperative movement, references worldwide productivity, AveSui once again innovates and follows your vocation to join the productive chain and will give the Welcome to your exhibitors s and visitors at the center of Latin America, productive region expressed as numbers one to Brazil to produce and give results.

Lar Centro de Eventos, a space on total area of 9,200 m­  is designed for performance of multiple activities and to fulfill the latent need in all West Paraná, which has demanded a special place for exhibitions, lectures, shows, conventions, among other tenths of activities, for years.

Lar Centro de Eventos is situated at Avenida 24 de outubro, at BR – 277, km 669 with easy access by car or plane, from International Airport of Foz do Iguacu.

In addition to the new place, with outdoor areas and many possibilities to interact with the target population, AveSui will also provide technical program, seminars on new topics related to the producers´ everyday work.

In this edition, AveSui gives spaces in its business exhibition to promote fish breeding, which is an important and growing source of animal protein, even more; there will be stands aimed at fish production and processing.

The news does not stop here !!


AveSui 2018

Date August  01,02,03,   2018

Place  Lar Centro de Eventos

Av 24 de Outubro,   BR 277, km 669 – Medianeira, PR Brazil  

Info: + 55 (11)  4013-12 77 

E-mail: [email protected]